Information therapy

  1. Organisation of Scenar and Denas system Information Therapy trainings and workshops under the supervision of dr. Tatiana Grigoryeva
  2. Scenar and Denas product training, marketing and presentations
  3. Organisation and making appointments for therapies with dr. Tatiana Grigoryeva

Establish a dialogue with your body.  An injury or illness conveys an important message from your body.  Heal the consequence, discover and correct the cause. Connection between the body and mind.

See how it works -> Video predstavitev na YouTubu
A lecture of a renowned physician was concluded with the following saying:  “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” (Voltaire)Information Therapy fits my Information 4 Transformation (I 4 T) philosophy like a glove even in terms of its name. In addition to my own approach, state-of-the-art, practical and affordable devices (Scenar and Denas) are applied under the supervision and in collaboration with a Russian surgeon that lives and works in Slovenia, dr. Tatiana Grigoryeva.


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Za pravilno delovanje tega spletišča se včasih na vašo napravo naložijo majhne podatkovne datoteke, imenovane piškotki. Sistemski piškotki, ki so nujni za delovanje, so že dovoljeni. Vaša izbira pa je, da dovolite ali zavrnete piškotke analitike in trženja, ki nudijo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo, enostavnejšo uporabo strani in prikaz ponudbe, ki je relevantna za vas.